We just completing the first half of 2015. This is a great time to do a mid year review.
The first step is to review each category of the 6 F’s.
Rate each category on a scale of 1 – 10 with 10 being the highest.
- Faith
- Family
- Fitness
- Finances
- Fun
- Friends
How are you doing? What areas did you have the highest scores? What areas are you out of balance?
Now focus on 3 – 5 things you want to improve the second half of the year. What are the 2 -3 categories you want to improve? What activities do you need to change or do more of to improve? What resources do you need? By when or what date do you need to have the activities completed? Write down the improvements and review them daily for the next two weeks. Change any activity that needs tweaked to help you get to where you want to be. Review this weekly through the rest of the year measuring your progress and adjusting the activities to help you get the score you want to attain in each of the 2 – 3 categories you have chosen to improve.
In the upcoming weeks I will cover building a plan to live life more intentionally and a program for your spiritual life.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.